Sometimes its difficult for us to accept Love. Especially the type of unconditional love that God offers. This is largely due to our own past experiences with love. Perhaps you didn't grow up in a loving family or maybe you've been through a divorce and just have a bad taste for "Love"
What really opened my eyes to the message of Love was having my son. God has used him so strong in my life to teach me about myself and the relationship I have with God. For anyone who has children you know that you would do nearly anything to ensure their happiness, to see them succeed, and to help them in anyway you could.
If God is supposedly our "Father" then why would we think He wouldn't want the same for us? Gods only desire is to have a relationship with his Children, to love them and provide for them. People have this notion that God is some sort of tyrant who is just sitting on a throne someplace waiting to smite you. And sadly most Christians just reinforce that idea. Its sad how religion tries to mold you into its own image to conform you into their version of what does or does not make a Christian.
My Son is unique. He is the only him that there will ever be. And I wouldn't change one thing about him good or bad. I love him for exactly who he is even when he's going through a 2 year old fit. Wake up Children of God! Your Daddy loves you! He's been telling you your whole life! It's time to stop and start listening. Recognize God is the one sending you Love letters!
So Why Anonymous? Because for us sometimes its easier to take the love of a stranger than open ourselves up actual relationships.
But with God...its worth it. Its ALWAYS worth it.
Song of Solomon 2:1-4 I am a rose of Sharon, a Lily of the valleys. As a lily among brambles so is my love among the women. As and apple tree among the trees of the forest, so is my Beloved. With great delight I sat in his shadow, and his fruit was sweet to my taste. He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was Love
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