So I've begun a blog. I suppose now for all intents and purposes I am "unique" (just like everybody else) and am ready to share my own personal thoughts and opinions with the general public, To offer up my viewpoints on a silver platter for others to judge, and even possibly...criticize. Shocking right?! well with this being the internet I suppose one should be prepared.
Let me start by saying I am a Christian. Im not the holier-than-thou-burn-in-hell-you're-a-wretched-sinner-because-you-don't-pray-to-Jesus Christian. Like everyone else on the planet I'm not perfect. But in my imperfection is where the Love and Grace of Jesus flourishes. His Grace is not something I have earned by my own performance, its not some secret code I've spent my life trying to crack. The Grace Message is purely and Simply, to me, the freedom from pressure to perform for Gods Love. It's a gift already bought and paid for. It comes free of charge, free of worry, free of regret. If you don't want the Gift He wont force you to take it.
I've been under what is affectionally referred to as the "Grace Message" for almost two years. It has altered my entire life. My relationships with other people have improved, my home and work life has improved, God has shown up more times than I can count on my behalf in varying situations. Why? Because he LOVE ME. To the outside world that sounds stupid, and I understand that, because unfortunately we live in a world in which the worth of someone is based solely on their performance and achievements. Not only that but it is difficult to imagine let alone operate in an unconditional, selfless, no-holds-barred type of love all the time.
God Does.
God Looks past your flaws, past your mistakes. He sees behind the walls surrounding your heart to the very core of you and finds you perfect, blameless, righteous, spotless, and loved through Jesus. Its an overwhelming concept.
Why did God first create man...because he wanted to. We are precious to him. I am precious to him.
Im not quite sure what will come of this blog. I know that i'll be using it to share about Grace, about what i have experienced, as well as to share some writing that God has been stirring in me. hopefully it will reach whomever God intends for it to in whatever capacity that may be.
Song of Solomon 2:1-4 I am a rose of Sharon, a Lily of the valleys. As a lily among brambles so is my love among the women. As an apple tree among the trees of the forest, so is my beloved. With great delight I sat in his shadow, and his fruit was sweet to my taste. He brought me to the banqueting house, and his Banner over me was Love
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