So i realized i havent blogged in several days. not that I don't have anything to say but I've been trying to put together what i wanted to say in this next blog.
I have a friend of mine that isn't exactly "on the fence" when it comes to God but its almost like he cant quite decide if God actually cares or not. I believe that he is saved and believes in God for the term that most christians would apply to it.
But what does it really mean to believe in God? To just have faith? does it mean working spiritual principals? what about living by a certain standard? praying? reading the word? What does it really mean?
Who is one person in your life you can count on? For me its my mother. This woman carried me, birthed me, has provided for me through my life. Shes my cheerleader, my confidant, my defender and my friend. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that if i was ever in trouble, if push ever came to shove she would stand by me, help me and support me like she has done through my entire life.
What's more...she Believes in me. she has spent time with me and knows me to my core. knows my character because of the time she has spent with me.
Why would this not be the same with God? How do you develop a relationship with someone you cant see? who might not always talk back? I know it can frustrating to dive into the word of God and feel like you're drowning in all the thous and wherefores and begots. Its not easy feeling like the entire bible doesn't even relate to you and your life.
One of the things i found most helpful was Roman 8:31 and 39
"What then shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us... neither height, nor depth, nor anything in all creation can separate us from the love of God through Christ Jesus"
I went through a Season in my life when I didnt have any friends, When it seemed as though all the friends I did have were nothing but backstabbers who would say mean and hurtful things about me. i felt like in order to keep these friends I had to Be someone I wasn't. I had to do things that I knew weren't okay. I did things that I knew my parents would find out about and the worst part was I didnt care.
I didnt care if they found out and it upset them, i didnt care if it hurt their feelings. That is all selfishness, and my friend is very much in the same place. I dont know why he does the things he Does, I believe he knows theyre wrong, and i believe he may be conflicted about it. But if he cant see past his own selfishness and listen to his spirit nothing will get better.
When youre at a place like that in your life its strictly because you DONT KNOW WHO YOU ARE. and the YOU that you see in the mirror every morning makes you SICK.
Did it bother me or hurt my feelings when i found out my "so called friends" werent there for me anymore. Yes it did. But i had to come to a place where I continually said "God you are for me, and this person I am, I hate. I dont want to keep going this way."
And God said I dont see this, I m blinded by Love. I know the real you and i believe in you. Lets take off the makeup, let me show you who you really are. and slowly God began to establish my Identity to show me who I was. And who I am isnt the church i go to or the clothes i wear or my hair colr or my school team or wether im popular or unpopular. My identity lies in Jesus and that is something that no amount of people or circumstance can ever change or take from me
So for me to believe in God is to BELIEVE IN HIM. to believe in his character, the things he says, the promises in his word, WHO HE IS.
If youre reading this and you dont know who you are. or you think you Do and youre just not certain youre ready to believe it and live it. I challenge you to pursue Your identity in Christ for thirty days. to Make a commitment to see and speak about yourself they way God sees and speaks about you. I challenge you to step out of your current clique. I challenge you to be someone new!!! Even if youre a devout christian who is constantly in the word I challenge you to join this to commit to asking God for a deeper revelation on your identity to solidifying who you are through Jesus.
Ill be doing this myself, for the next Thirty Days and will be blogging and tweeting whats going on and how its affecting my life. Join the Thirty Day movement.
Father God I pray you will inspire within your people a hunger to know YOU. to know themselves as only you do. To reveal to us ourselves every flaw every imperfection to right it within us through the work of your Son. I pray this will be a time of acceptance within us and a desire to live the life you created us to. in Jesus' name Amen.